Digital FISH Scanning
& Analysis


in a nutshell

With advanced computational tools and automated workflows, HiFISH delivers cutting-edge digital FISH scanning and analysis capabilities. Vendor-agnostic, it supports an unlimited number and type of probes, optimized based on your needs.

Combining 3D cell review, computer-aided image optimization, automatic signal detection and quantitative analysis, HiFISH ensures standardized results across your operation. With HiFISH, achieve maximum versatility by choosing from flexible workflows for single and multiple readers.

Upgrade your FISH analysis solutions to HiFISH and standardize your processes with remarkable AI-enhanced digital FISH capabilities.

Benefits to your lab

Computer-aided FISH scanning uniquely optimized per hybridization

Unlimited number
of vendor-agnostic

High quality image
with digital 3D review
of each cell

Cell gallery for
fast classification
and review

Simultaneous interphase
and metaphase capture
for quality assurance

detection of abnormal

Enhanced Image Quality with
Computer-Aided Algorithms

Validated to detect details beyond human perception, HiFISH employs computer-aided algorithms to ensure robust image quality and standardized results. With optimized acquisition parameters, powered by cutting edge technology, ASI’s FISH solution boosts your image resolution while minimizing external debris and nuclear noise to eliminate the need for manual adjustments.

Quotes & Testimonials