Proudly Leading The Way
In The Biomedical Imaging
Industry, Advancing Innovation
For Over Three Decades

GenASIs Technology
GenASIs™ is at the heart of ASI’s core imaging and analysis platform, offering a broad range of automated solutions for digital pathology, karyotyping and FISH.
Combining image acquisition with computer-assisted analysis, GenASIs provides laboratories with advanced diagnostics powered by cutting-edge algorithms and user-centric workflows.
Our portfolio of versatile clinical solutions for brightfield, fluorescence and spectral imaging includes HiPath Pro, a scanner-agnostic application for standardized imaging and analysis of brightfield pathology images, PathFusion to bridge the gap between brightfield and Tissue-FISH, HiBand for computer-aided chromosome analysis and karyotyping, HiFISH for FISH scanning and quantitative imaging as well as CytoPower, a comprehensive digital cytogenetics solution.
Scale-up your lab capabilities with GenASIs, ASI’s versatile clinical solution for digital cytogenetics and pathology.
Access Your Data
at Anytime with
GenASIs AnyWhere
GenASI AnyWhere, ASI’s remote access solution, enables HIPAA-compliant review, analysis, and sign-off of cases from any location, via a secure link to your lab’s GenASIs platform. This secure and trouble-free solution, now also available on Remote Desktop Services (RDS) Microsoft technology, makes remote data management easy, ensuring that you can access your lab’s data anytime, anywhere.

Benefits to your lab
Optimal for remote consultation, educational and training needs
data security
Efficient management and maintenance of multiple systems, and users

Take Advantage of the “All in One” Solution for Pathology and Cytogenetics
Combining digital pathology, karyotyping and FISH, ASI’s All-in-One solution offers a comprehensive workflow from scanning to image viewing, quantitative analysis and reporting of both brightfield and fluorescent images. The All-in-One versatile solution provides a modular platform addressing the combined needs of both cytogenetics and pathology laboratories.
Advanced Reporting
ASI’s reporting tool provides a user-friendly interface to create laboratory-branded customizable reports according to the user’s needs.

Benefits to your lab
Dedicated report for each application
Quantitative and graphical results
User-selected screenshots and images
Freehand report using multiple annotation styles

Connected Case Data
With its Case Data Manager (CDM) application, ASI offers a unique and comprehensive solution that can help streamline the data management process. By featuring a generic connectivity to the Lab Information System (LIS), and supporting multiple formats including HL7, CDM offers a flexible, secure and seamless integration with diverse healthcare information systems.
Benefits to your lab
Secure data
Central portal
and database
Secure integration
with LIS
Data integrity
& HIPAA compliance
Diverse Image
Acquisition Platform
From 1-slide manual capture to 9-slide motorized stage and 99-slide tray loader, ASI offers diverse platforms to accommodate all image acquisition needs. Equipped with automatic tissue detection algorithms for both brightfield and fluorescent specimens, ASI’s scanning technology automatically identifies and segments cells and tissue on the slide, reducing the potential for human error and improving overall scanning efficiency. The unattended continuous scanning mode helps technologists focus on other important tasks while handling large volumes of slides and maintaining high productivity.

Service Offering
Adapted to Your Needs
LabLife Statistics
LabLife environment for data driven lab performance and management. Easily and consistently obtain user and lab performance statistics customized for your needs, and generate digital reports for further analysis.
Calculate performance and track KPIs to help meet certification and regulatory requirements
Identify best practices to increase return of investment and focus improvement efforts
Justify investment in additional capital equipment to improve lab efficiency

Annual Review
Compare performance year on year and make decisions based on data driven analyses