AI Karyotyping

NEW & IMPROVED Chromosome Analysis & Karyotyping Artificial Intelligence solution

Happy New Year 2024

Warm winter greetings & Best wishes for the coming year Wishing you Happiness and Success over this Joyful season.

Thank you for your support and goodwill throughout the year.

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas
and a fantastic New Year

ASI’s collaboration with the CytoCell® division of OGT

We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with the CytoCell® division of OGT, a Sysmex Group company and a global leader in diagnostic genomic solutions! This partnership expands our global reach and adds value to customers in Cytogenetics laboratories.

Pathology Research

Pathology ResearchFor Fluorescent andSpectral Analysis Digital Pathologyfor Research ASI’s HyperSpectral Imaging and Analysis system, provides an advanced multi-color solution for both brightfield and fluorescent samples, addressing research needs of clinical laboratories by extracting quantitative, spectral and morphological information on cell-biology, and providing molecular and cellular image insights. Benefits to your lab Uncover chemically similar areas […]


PathFusion Bridging the Gap between Brightfield Pathology & FISH PathFusionin a nutshell PathFusion provides a comprehensive digital pathology workflow, seamlessly integrating brightfield and FISH imaging across multiple probe vendors and sample types. The application features state-of-the-art functionalities including computer-aided tissue detection, automatic cell identification, signal detection, and cell classification. With its tissue matching capabilities between […]

HiPath Pro

HiPath ProUltimate Digital Pathology Workflow for Brightfield Images HiPath Proin a nutshell HiPath Pro, ASI’s state-of-the-art digital pathology platform, offers a range of advanced features and streamlined workflows for the scanning, visualization and analysis of pathology specimens. Elevate the diagnostic competencies of your lab with HiPath Pro’s scanner-agnostic capabilities, offering visualization and analysis of brightfield […]

Cytogenetic Research

Cytogenetic Research For Karyotyping & FISHApplications HiSKY Gold StandardSpectral Karyotyping Elevate your research capabilities with HiSKY, our renowned spectral karyotyping solution offering multi-color FISH analysis for result verification. With automatic identification of translocations and chromosomal origins, HiSKY ensures simultaneous detection of chromosomal aberrations in a single hybridization, providing comprehensive insights into genetic variations. HiSKY’s probe […]